
Welcome to cornelia & rouge. This brand is about you. We’re dedicated to curating the very best information and idea sharing space for women over 50 who embrace aging, with a focus on 50+ women’s lifestyle, including fashion, health & wellness, and so much more.

When our author realized how underrepresented women of a certain age are, they were inspired to create a space to change that. Because this is a place for you and about you, the author of this blog elects to remain anonymous. Having worked in the salon industry and as a personal stylist for fashion brands including StitchFix and J. Hilburn, the author would like to share their passion for helping people to be their best self.

At cornelia & rouge we lead with love. If there is one thing you take away from interacting with our brand, we wish for you to remember this: you are ENOUGH! If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at corneliaxrouge@gmail.com or through our contact form.